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Reporting period: Aug '23Jul '24

YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Overview

<10 Places

Brand Satisfaction


Country Rank

296 of 754

Category Rank

217 of 526

Rating Score


Sales Power

Sales Index

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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Brand Profile

Aug '23Jul '24


YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) has a much lower satisfaction score for its Place compared to its other aspects. However, YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) has succeeded in its Food and Drinks aspect, with a 91% satisfaction score.

Food and Drinks
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Satisfaction Trend

Feb '24Jul '24


YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard)'s brand satisfaction has decreased compared to previous month and now stands at 67%. Use Realytics to closely monitor satisfactions score changes and assess how well any brand meets customer expectations.

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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Food and Drinks

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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Portion Size

Aug '23Jul '24


YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 80% satisfaction score in Portion Size aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

291 of 521
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Food Quality

Aug '23Jul '24


YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) is still the go-to place for customers, as their Food Quality score remains high at 59%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

336 of 526
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Menu Selection

Aug '23Jul '24


YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 75% satisfaction score in Menu Selection aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

377 of 520
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Dishes

Aug '23Jul '24


YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) is still the go-to place for customers, as their Dishes score remains high at 83%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

264 of 526
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Drinks

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

78 of 513
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Cuisines

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

131 of 431
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Place

YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 76% satisfaction score in Place aspect for both this year and last year.

YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Atmosphere and Décor

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

175 of 525
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Cleanliness and Hygiene

Aug '23Jul '24


YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) is still the go-to place for customers, as their Cleanliness and Hygiene score remains high at 86%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

219 of 512
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Options for different visitors

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

114 of 520
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Child-Friendly Conditions

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

204 of 438
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Comfort

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

473 of 504
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Venue Congestion

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

504 of 515
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Dining Area

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

133 of 505
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Service

YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 88% satisfaction score in Service aspect for both this year and last year.

YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Dining Options

Aug '23Jul '24


YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) is still the go-to place for customers, as their Dining Options score remains high at 77%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

461 of 526
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Waiting Time

Aug '23Jul '24


YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 53% satisfaction score in Waiting Time aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

380 of 526
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Order Processing

Aug '23Jul '24


YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) is still the go-to place for customers, as their Order Processing score remains high at 50%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

364 of 524
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Staff

YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 85% satisfaction score in Staff aspect for both this year and last year.

YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Staff Friendliness

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

330 of 526
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Staff Attentiveness

Aug '23Jul '24


YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) is still the go-to place for customers, as their Staff Attentiveness score remains high at 86%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

267 of 491
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Staff Avaliability

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

209 of 248
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YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) Staff Members

Aug '23Jul '24


YUN NANS 云海肴 (ION Orchard) remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 86% satisfaction score in Staff Members aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

222 of 525
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