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Reporting period: Aug '23Jul '24

Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Overview

<10 Places

Brand Satisfaction


Country Rank

644 of 1 146

Category Rank

47 of 105

Rating Score


Sales Power

Sales Index

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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Brand Profile

Aug '23Jul '24


Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa has a much lower satisfaction score for its Pricing compared to its other aspects. However, Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa has succeeded in its Place aspect, with a 93% satisfaction score.

Food and Drinks
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Satisfaction Trend

Feb '24Jul '24


Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa's brand satisfaction has increased compared to previous month and now stands at 73%. Use Realytics to closely monitor satisfactions score changes and assess how well any brand meets customer expectations.

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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Food and Drinks

Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa is losing some of its appeal, with a concerning 5% decrease in satisfaction for Food and Drinks dropping from 91% last year to 86% this year.

Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Portion Size

Aug '23Jul '24


Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 67% satisfaction score in Portion Size aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

47 of 76
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Food Quality

Aug '23Jul '24


Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa is struggling to meet customer expectations, with a 24% decrease in satisfaction in Food Quality aspect, falling from 82% last year to 58% this year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

55 of 105
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Menu Selection

Aug '23Jul '24


Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa is struggling to meet customer expectations. Use Realytics to know whylink

Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

52 of 105
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Dishes

Aug '23Jul '24


Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa is losing its edge, with a noticeable decrease in guest satisfaction in Dishes aspect, down from 92% last year to 85% this year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

35 of 105
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Drinks

Aug '23Jul '24


Use Realytics to know more about Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesalink

Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

19 of 105
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Place

Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa is struggling to meet customer expectations. Use Realytics to know why

Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Atmosphere and Décor

Aug '23Jul '24


Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa is one of the most promising brand to delight customers. Use Realytics to know morelink

Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

26 of 105
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Cleanliness and Hygiene

Aug '23Jul '24


Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa is still the go-to place for customers, as their Cleanliness and Hygiene score remains high at 67%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

75 of 104
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Restrooms

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

26 of 80
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Options for different visitors

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

54 of 103
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Comfort

Aug '23Jul '24


Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 60% satisfaction score in Comfort aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

73 of 103
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Dining Area

Aug '23Jul '24


Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa is still the go-to place for customers, as their Dining Area score remains high at 50%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

72 of 97
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Pricing

Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa has shown an increase in Pricing, with a jump from 54% last year to an impressive 59% this year.

Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Price

Aug '23Jul '24


Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa continues to evolve, with a 8% increase in customer satisfaction of Price, climbing from 53% last year to 61% this year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

62 of 105
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Promotions

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

51 of 74
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Service

Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa has successfully improved guest experience, as their "Service" satisfaction score jumped from 82% last year to an 83% this year.

Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Dining Options

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

24 of 105
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Waiting Time

Aug '23Jul '24


Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 43% satisfaction score in Waiting Time aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

62 of 104
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Order Processing

Aug '23Jul '24


Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa is still the go-to place for customers, as their Order Processing score remains high at 33%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

82 of 105
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Staff

Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa continues to improve, with a notable increase in customer satisfaction for their Staff aspect, rising from 65% to 77% this year.

Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Staff Competence

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

77 of 79
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Staff Friendliness

Aug '23Jul '24


Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 89% satisfaction score in Staff Friendliness aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

46 of 105
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Staff Attentiveness

Aug '23Jul '24


Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa is still the go-to place for customers, as their Staff Attentiveness score remains high at 75%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

88 of 104
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Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa Staff Members

Aug '23Jul '24


Restaurante e Pizzaria Vale Quanto Pesa remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 73% satisfaction score in Staff Members aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

32 of 104
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