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Reporting period: Aug '23Jul '24

Rondell Café am Cobenzl Overview

<10 Places

Brand Satisfaction


Country Rank

466 of 551

Category Rank

303 of 354

Rating Score


Sales Power

Sales Index

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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Brand Profile

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl has a much lower satisfaction score for its Pricing compared to its other aspects. However, Rondell Café am Cobenzl has succeeded in its Location aspect, with a 99% satisfaction score.

Food and Drinks
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Food and Drinks

Rondell Café am Cobenzl remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 67% satisfaction score in Food and Drinks aspect for both this year and last year.

Rondell Café am Cobenzl Portion Size

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl is still the go-to place for customers, as their Portion Size score remains high at 40%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

307 of 348
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Food Quality

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 32% satisfaction score in Food Quality aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

320 of 354
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Menu Selection

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl is still the go-to place for customers, as their Menu Selection score remains high at 82%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

261 of 353
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Dishes

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 63% satisfaction score in Dishes aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

301 of 354
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Drinks

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl is still the go-to place for customers, as their Drinks score remains high at 77%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

242 of 353
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Location

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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Parking

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 50% satisfaction score in Parking aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

112 of 208
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Conveniently Situated

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

190 of 322
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Views and Surroundings

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

154 of 302
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Transport Accessibility

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

51 of 93
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Place

Rondell Café am Cobenzl is still the go-to place for customers, as their Place score remains high at 76%, consistent with last year's score.

Rondell Café am Cobenzl Atmosphere and Décor

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

300 of 353
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Cleanliness and Hygiene

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 50% satisfaction score in Cleanliness and Hygiene aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

226 of 338
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Restrooms

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl is still the go-to place for customers, as their Restrooms score remains high at 60%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

106 of 284
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Options for different visitors

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

58 of 331
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Comfort

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 35% satisfaction score in Comfort aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

233 of 333
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Venue Congestion

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl is still the go-to place for customers, as their Venue Congestion score remains high at 25%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

111 of 320
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Dining Area

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

47 of 345
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Work and study friendly

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

4 of 31
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Pricing

Rondell Café am Cobenzl remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 53% satisfaction score in Pricing aspect for both this year and last year.

Rondell Café am Cobenzl Price

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl is still the go-to place for customers, as their Price score remains high at 53%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

235 of 354
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Service

Rondell Café am Cobenzl remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 64% satisfaction score in Service aspect for both this year and last year.

Rondell Café am Cobenzl Opening Hours

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

161 of 235
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Dining Options

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl is still the go-to place for customers, as their Dining Options score remains high at 83%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

218 of 354
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Waiting Time

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 24% satisfaction score in Waiting Time aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

323 of 353
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Order Processing

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl is still the go-to place for customers, as their Order Processing score remains high at 46%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

198 of 353
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Staff

Rondell Café am Cobenzl remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 58% satisfaction score in Staff aspect for both this year and last year.

Rondell Café am Cobenzl Staff Competence

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl is still the go-to place for customers, as their Staff Competence score remains high at 67%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

182 of 304
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Staff Friendliness

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 63% satisfaction score in Staff Friendliness aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

317 of 354
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Staff Attentiveness

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl is still the go-to place for customers, as their Staff Attentiveness score remains high at 78%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

193 of 341
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Staff Avaliability

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

68 of 108
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Rondell Café am Cobenzl Staff Members

Aug '23Jul '24


Rondell Café am Cobenzl remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 34% satisfaction score in Staff Members aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

328 of 353
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