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Reporting period: Aug '23Jul '24

مطعم بيت الشام Overview

<10 Places

Brand Satisfaction


Country Rank

360 of 551

Category Rank

239 of 354

Rating Score


Sales Power

Sales Index

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مطعم بيت الشام Brand Profile

Aug '23Jul '24


مطعم بيت الشام has a much lower satisfaction score for its Pricing compared to its other aspects. However, مطعم بيت الشام has succeeded in its Staff aspect, with a 95% satisfaction score.

Food and Drinks
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مطعم بيت الشام Food and Drinks

مطعم بيت الشام remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 78% satisfaction score in Food and Drinks aspect for both this year and last year.

مطعم بيت الشام Portion Size

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

340 of 348
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مطعم بيت الشام Food Quality

Aug '23Jul '24


مطعم بيت الشام is still the go-to place for customers, as their Food Quality score remains high at 39%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

290 of 354
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مطعم بيت الشام Menu Selection

Aug '23Jul '24


مطعم بيت الشام remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 89% satisfaction score in Menu Selection aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

213 of 353
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مطعم بيت الشام Dishes

Aug '23Jul '24


مطعم بيت الشام is still the go-to place for customers, as their Dishes score remains high at 73%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

261 of 354
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مطعم بيت الشام Drinks

Aug '23Jul '24


مطعم بيت الشام remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 89% satisfaction score in Drinks aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

160 of 353
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مطعم بيت الشام Cuisines

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

155 of 283
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مطعم بيت الشام Place

مطعم بيت الشام is still the go-to place for customers, as their Place score remains high at 88%, consistent with last year's score.

مطعم بيت الشام Atmosphere and Décor

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

113 of 353
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مطعم بيت الشام Cleanliness and Hygiene

Aug '23Jul '24


مطعم بيت الشام remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 83% satisfaction score in Cleanliness and Hygiene aspect for both this year and last year.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

124 of 338
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مطعم بيت الشام Options for different visitors

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

197 of 331
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مطعم بيت الشام Comfort

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

322 of 333
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مطعم بيت الشام Venue Congestion

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

217 of 320
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مطعم بيت الشام Dining Area

Aug '23Jul '24


مطعم بيت الشام is still the go-to place for customers, as their Dining Area score remains high at 50%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

218 of 345
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مطعم بيت الشام Pricing

مطعم بيت الشام remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 40% satisfaction score in Pricing aspect for both this year and last year.

مطعم بيت الشام Price

Aug '23Jul '24


مطعم بيت الشام is still the go-to place for customers, as their Price score remains high at 38%, consistent with last year's score.

Satisfaction Score


Aspect Rank

296 of 354
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مطعم بيت الشام Promotions

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

54 of 161
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مطعم بيت الشام Service

مطعم بيت الشام remains a consumer favourite, maintaining a consistent 81% satisfaction score in Service aspect for both this year and last year.

مطعم بيت الشام Billing and Payment

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

174 of 277
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مطعم بيت الشام Opening Hours

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

12 of 235
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مطعم بيت الشام Dining Options

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

96 of 354
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مطعم بيت الشام Waiting Time

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

6 of 353
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مطعم بيت الشام Order Processing

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

344 of 353
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مطعم بيت الشام Staff

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مطعم بيت الشام Staff Competence

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

84 of 304
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مطعم بيت الشام Staff Friendliness

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

42 of 354
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مطعم بيت الشام Staff Attentiveness

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

54 of 341
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مطعم بيت الشام Staff Members

Aug '23Jul '24


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Satisfaction Score

Aspect Rank

41 of 353
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